Handy Household Tips for Winter

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Over the past few years we have encountered prolonged periods of extremely cold weather which saw the UK suffering some of the coldest temperatures for 31 years. This years winter looks to be no different, with the heavy rain and chill already setting in. As the temperatures drop along come snow, rain, and frost which can lead to a whole host of problems leading to damage to houses, guttering and frozen pipes.

To help you fare through the winter Daniel Craig Residential have compiled a few helpful tips:Ÿ

  • Students looking to head home over the Christmas period should leave heating on a timer to ensure pipes do not freeze.
  • Allow warm air to circulate around the house by leaving doors slightly ajar
  • If you’re away for Christmas get a friend or neighbour to check on the house and keep heating on.
  • Make sure you know where your stopcock is and that it’s working.
  • Keep snow off the roof by leaving attic door open to allow warm air into the roof space.
  • To ensure pipes do not freeze under the sink leave the cupboard door open.
  • Leave the central heating on for short periods of time throughout the day.                                                                               
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Dealing with pipes in winter

If your pipes are frozen then you will want to thaw it slowly. To do this use water bottles or towels soaked in warm, not boiling, water. Wrap or place these around the frozen pipes, replacing the warm water if necessary, until the pipes are thawed out. While the faster route of applying direct heat such as a blowtorch might be tempting do not do this. Not only can this lead to damaging the pipes but can also lead to fires as well.

If your pipes burst then the first thing is to turn off the water immediately at the stopcock. This stops further water passing through the pipes and flooding your home.  If the burst pipe is on the main water system the rush of water will stop after a short while. If the water does not stop after a while then the problem is potentially in with your cold water storage. To stop this you will need to drain the cold water storage tank, which is usually located in the attic. turn off the stopcock and run your cold water taps in the kitchen until the water stops flowing.


Condensation can be a small issue at first but leads to huge issues for both tenants and landlords. Condensation is usually caused by insufficient ventilation and heating, leading to the formation of water moisture on windows and walls. In  winter condensation issues can be further worsened, leading to damage to paintwork as well as the fixtures and fittings.

  • To help keep condensation, and it’s resultant problems at bay follow these tips:
  • Keep an even constant temperature throughout the property.
  • Maintain good ventilation by opening windows and allowing a good flow of air through the house.
  • If windows and windowsills do become wet dry them as soon as possible. Wring out the cloth, do not dry on a radiator.
  • Dry clothes washing outside where possible. If not possible then dry in a bathroom with the door closed and window slightly open.
  • Don’t dry clothes out on a radiator as this will only increase the moisture in the air.
  • Ensure extractor fans are in full working order. If not report this to us.
  • When using your kitchen and bathroom make sure that it’s ventilated either by opening a window or using an extractor fan. Keep ventilated for at least 20 minutes after use.
  • If your property is equipped with a tumble dryer then make sure that it is properly venting to outside.
  • If black spot mold begins to grow on any surfaces wash it off with hot water and bleach. Make sure it doesn’t grow further.

Should you encounter any damage to your property due to inclement weather please ensure that it is reported to us as soon as possible.

Any problems or questions please contact Nicky on 0191 2656555, or email [email protected]


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