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How to Handle Bad Tenants
Horror stories reported about the chaos that can result from terrible tenants can be enough to put prospective landlords off renting out their property. However, with around 50% of households in the UK renting their homes, it is clear that these sensationalised situations remain in the minority when compared to overall rental numbers.
At Daniel Craig Residential, we believe it is best to borrow the motto of the Scouts and be prepared, even if the worst is unlikely to happen.
Take Action on the Infraction
If the sheen of your shiny new tenant becomes tarnished because of infractions like noise complaints or non-payment of rent, as a landlord, you must know what action to take to deal with your bad tenants.
It can be prudent to use your property as student housing, for example, in a university town like Newcastle because you are unlikely to have an empty property for any significant period. However, the relief at being able to pay the mortgage after the rent has been paid disappears when the tenant becomes less than desirable.
Choose Wisely
Lay the groundwork by vetting prospective tenants and insist on a guarantor, if their credit check is not quite tip-top. Good landlords will clearly set out the tenant’s obligations in the tenancy agreement, such as the date the rent is due and the latest hour at which music can be played. Issue a warning – written if necessary – to the tenant before taking any more significant action.
Where more decisive action is required, the local authority can intervene in certain circumstances, such as with a vulnerable adult or nuisance complaints. There are strict regulations in place to deal with the eviction of bad tenants from student housing and standard residences, and this does not include throwing the tenant’s belongings out on the street! Issue an eviction notice and follow the correct procedure through the County Court to get possession of your property back.
In all cases, it is important to take action quickly as delays will only make matters worse and will not make the problem go away.